5. Joelle and I used division on our poster to figure out were to place th locations. We also color coated it so it would be easier to fallow.
This game is called Cookies for Grampy. What you do is you make cookes for grampy using fractions. You use fractons like 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5, 1/6, and etc. When you cant use the peices anymore you have to figure out how much it takes to make a whole piece and type it in in the 2 little boxes.(the numerator top box and denominator bottem box)
7. For bike race Joelle and I figured out the positions fo the Km markers by dividing the denominator of 1/12, 1/6, 1/3 into the whole amount of kilometers which is 60. The answers you get after dividing them are:
1/12= 5 km 1/6= 10 km 1/3= 20 km
8. Two different ways of find a quarter and also 3/4 of 16 would be dividing 4 into 16 and you get 4 and thats a quarter of 16 then to figure out 3/4 you just subtract 1/4 which is 4 and you get 12. Another way is to draw a picture like this.
You just add the 1/2=2/4 to the 1/4 and you get the 3/4 which is 12 and the 1/4 you get by dividing 16 by 2 then 8 by 2 and your answer is 4.
9. This question is going to be like the one on the first test that we had.
1/4+1/2 does not equil 1/12

If you did this on a clock
1/4=15 mins 1/2= 2/4=30 mins
Togeather they equil 45 mins and 1/12 only equils 5 mins.
Title 1/1
Label 1/1
Question 3 5/5
Question 4/5 3/3
Question 6 4/5
Question 7 3/3
Question 8 4/5
Question 9 4/5
Question 10 6/7
Total= 31/35
Title 1/1
Label 1/1
Question 3 5/5
Question 4 5/5 3/3
Question 6 5/5
Question 7 3/3
Question 8 5/5
Question 9 5/5
Question 10 7/7
Total 35/35
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