Thursday, December 20, 2007
Alex's 2nd growing post
1.What strategies were needed?
the were multiplucation, division, adding, subtracting, double number line, money and fractions.
2.How did you use these strategies?
I didn't use all of them all the stratagies I used were: fractions, and adding.
3.Or How could you of used these strategies.
I could use they more better and put more ideas in it.
4.How would you figure out the price of a 6 cup bag of Betty's Snack mix? Use a ratio table
I could have used a ratio table but i don't understand how to use a ratio table.
Find 3 other values (amounts of Snack Mix) that could be solved using the same ratio table. Find the $$ of your new container sizes.
I can not find 3 other values for the snack mix on my test.
Question 2.
You are going to create a voicethread explaining the strategies you used on your test. You need to choose 4 out of the 6 questions.
1. 2/3 + 1/4 + 2/5 =
2. 6/5 - 11/10=
3. 3/5 + 2/7 =
4. 1/6/+1/9 =
5. 5/6 - 1/4 =
6. 3 3/5 - 1 4/5 =
Question 3.
Today in class we reviewed the 6 strategies from the RACE Investigation. They were
Fractions show operations
Ratio Tables (Proportional Reasoning)
Partial Products or the Distributive Property
The Whole Matters
Friendly FractionsCreate a voicethread or write and use pictures to describe how you would uses those strategies to explain how far the two students would have run if Mark ran 7/8 and Rachel ran 11/12 of the RACE course.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Skittlez 2nd Growingpost
2.)I tried to do clocks and a Ratio table
3.)First i made a Ratio table thats when I multiplied 2 2/5 to get 12 and i found out 1/2 by dividingQuestion 2You are going to create a voicethread explaining the strategies you used on your test. You need to choose 4 out of the 6 questions.
1. 2/3 + 1/4 + 2/5 =79/60
2. 6/5 - 11/10=6/60
3. 3/5 + 2/7 =52/60
4. 1/6+1/9 =16/60
Question 3
I wasn't there to do it.
Question 4
1) Each person in group 1 gets 3/4 of the pizza. Each person in group 2 gets 19/20. Each person in group gets 11/12 of the pizza.
2)Each person i group 2 gets 4/5ths of the pizza.
3.)Each person in group 3 gets 5/6ths of the pizza
4.) Each person in the group gets 7/8ths of the pizza.
Shawn's Second Growing Post
Question 4 ^
1) What strategies were needed?
The strategies that I used were a ratio table, multiplication, and some division.
2)How did you use these strtegies?
I used them to get 6 cups, 12 cups, and 1/2 a cup.
3)How could you have used these strategies?
I could've used a clock to divide.
4)How would you figure out 6 cups?
At the top.
5)Figure out 3 more values using the same ratio table.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Tori1's 2nd Growingpost
1)The stratiges needed were multiplying dividing fractions.
2)The stratages i used 4 the Test was multiplying and dividing fractions.
3)I would use a ratio table.
4) I would use a ratio table.
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Group 1 Sally Bob, Gidget and Biff Share 3 pizzas.
Group 2 Stan, Holly, Barry, Ben and Ichkabibble share 4 pizzas.
Group 3 Eric, Susy,James, Betty, Veronica and Moose share 5 pizzas.
Group 4 Paul, Alex, Chris, Jughead, Archie, Reggie, Mr. Wotherspoon and Midge share 7 pizzas.
How much pizza does each student get in the different groups? in group 1 they each get 3/4 of a peice, in group 2 each person gets a 19/20 , in group 3 each person gets 11/12 of a peice and in group 4 each person gets 4/4 of a peice.
Which group gets the largest portion of pizza? the group that gets the largest portion is Group 4 because they get a whole.
I found the answers by useing a pie chart and by dividing.
I used dividing and cutting a pie.
Jessica's 2nd Growing post
2.)I tried to do clocks and a Ratio table
3.)First i made a Ratio table thats when I multiplied 2 2/5 to get 12 and i found out 1/2 by dividing 12.

Sunday, December 16, 2007
Charity's 2nd Growing post
1.)The strategies that were needed were multiplication, division, and the ratio table.
2.)I changed my fractions into money then I multiplied 2 2/5 to find 12. However, I didn't get the answer for 1/2
3.)I could have used these stategies by using the ratio table strategy for finding the costs of 2 2/5, 12, and 1/2 , by multiplying 2 2/5 to get 12, and by dividing 12 to get 1/2.


Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Growing Post Question 1
Growing Post Question 2
Growing Post Question 3
Growing Post Question 4
Total Math Work
Completing self evaluation and leaving a comment
Completing 2 peer evaluations leaving comments on the Growing Post and Voicethreads
Deduction marks
Total marks for growing post
Liezl's 2nd Growing Post
These are my 3 other values
Group 1: Since there is three people and four people, i wrote down the numbers of pizzas and divided them into four for each person, so each person gets 3/4 of pizza and then i multiplied the number of people to the number of pizzas. 4 x 3 = 12
Group 2: Each person in this group gets 4/5 of the whole pizza.
Group 3: I multiplied five to get 40 pizzas and then divided them into 40 to get 6 1/2 for every person.
Group 4: I multiplied 7 pizzas to 8 the number of pieces and was 56 pieces all together and then i divided 8 which was the number of people to get 7 pieces of pizza.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Tim's Second Growing Post
Ratio table, multiplication, division, and money
2.How did you use these strategies?
I used a ratio table to figure out the ingredients for 12 cups. For the rest I used multiplication and division
3.Or How could you of used these strategies?
I used all of these strategies.
4.How would you figure out the price of a 6 cup bag of Betty's Snack mix? Use a ratio table
5.Find 3 other values (amounts of Snack Mix) that could be solved using the same ratio table. Find the $$ of your new container sizes.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Joelle's 2nd Growing Post
The strategies needed in this was money, ratio table, pictures and multiplication/division to solve the problem.
2. How did you use these strategies?
I first made a ratio table, so I could figure out how much the 12 cups cost. After I figure out how much 12 cups cost, the other sizes was easy.
3. Or How could you of used these strategies?
I think I used all of the strategies when I was doing the test.
4.How would you figure out the price of a 6 cup bag of Betty's Snack mix? Use a ratio table.
I found out by using this ratio table below this question.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
John's 2nd growing post
The strategies that were needed were using money, pictures, ratio tables, and division/multiplication to solve the problems.
I used multiplication to figure out how to get from 2 2/5 to 12 but I didnt wrong,
and I did the same thing to the 12 cups, and I didn't do the 1/2 cup question.
I could of used the ratio table to find my answers but I used multiplication cause that was all I thought of.
Jordan's 2nd Growing post
3.)How could you of used these strategies?
5.)Find 3 other values (amounts of Snack Mix) that could be solved using the same ratio table. Find the $$ of your new container sizes
- I also used 3 cups , 1 cup, and 1/2 cup in a ratio table :
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Marlon's 2nd Growing post
1.What strategies were needed?
The strategies that were needed was money/clocks, multiplication, division, ratio tables and also picture in order to solve this problem.
2.How did you use these strategies?
I used the strategies in order to find out how much ingridients that was needed to make the snack mix and to find the cost.
3.Or How could you of used these strategies.
I could have usewd a ratio table to make it very simple and neat.
4.How would you figure out the price of a 6 cup bag of Betty's Snack mix? Use a ratio table.
In order to find out the price of a 6 cup bag is to x 2/5 by 5 so you could get 12 and you do the same thing to the price (3.60 x 5= 18.00) because what you do to one side you have to do to the other side. Then you divide 12 by 2 to get 6 and the price divide by two to get 9.00.
5.Find 3 other values (amounts of snack mix) that could be solved using the same ratio table. Find the $$ of your new container sizes.
You are going to create a voicethread explaining the strategies you used on your test. You need to choose 4 out of the 6 questions.1. 2/3 + 1/4 + 2/5 =2. 6/5 - 11/10=3. 3/5 + 2/7 =4. 1/6/+1/9 =5. 5/6 - 1/4 =6. 3 3/5 - 1 4/5 =
Today in class we reviewed the 6 strategies from the RACE Investigation. They were
Fractions show operations
Ratio Tables (Proportional Reasoning)
Partial Products or the Distributive Property
The Whole Matters
Friendly Fractions. Create a voicethread or write and use pictures to describe how you would uses those strategies to explain how far the two students would have run if Mark ran 7/8 and Rachel ran 11/12 of the RACE course.
4. Your last question deals with pizza. You need to explain which group gets the largest portion of pizza. All student groups get the same sized pizzas. It is up to you to cut them up so that they are shared equally.
Group 1 Sally Bob, Gidget and Biff Share 3 pizzas.
Group 2 Stan, Holly, Barry, Ben and Ichkabibble share 4 pizzas.
Group 3 Eric, Susy,James, Betty, Veronica and Moose share 5 pizzas.
Group 4 Paul, Alex, Chris, Jughead, Archie, Reggie, Mr. Wotherspoon and Midge share 7 pizzas.
-How much pizza does each student get in the different groups?
-Which group gets the largest portion of pizza?
-Show how you found your answer in 2 different ways.
-What strategies did you use in finding your answer.
-Show your answer is 2 different ways. I would recommend that you create a voicethread of your work.
Here I used pictures and multiplication and division. The group that got the largest protion was the group 4.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Alley's Second Growing Post.
The strategies that were needed are money, division, multiplication, ratio tables, and pictures to solve this problem.
2.How did you use these strategies?
I used these strategies to help me find out how much was needed for the snack mix and how much it would cost.
3.Or How could you of used these strategies.
You can use the stragies to help you find out the price and how much is needed.
4.How would you figure out the price of a 6 cup bag of Betty's Snack mix? Use a ratio table.
To find the price of six cup snack mix i made a ratio table like this :

Coaster's 2nd Growing Posts
2. How did you use these strategies? Ratio table, Addition, and divition
3. Or How could you of used these strategies?
4. How would you figure out the price of a 6 cup bag of Betty's Snack mix? Use a ratio table
5. Find 3 other values (amounts of Snack Mix) that could be solved using the same ratio table. Find the $$ of your new container sizes.this is how i did it
Pizza Pizza
For question A i drew 3 circles then divided it by 8 and i drew 3 rectangles and divided it by 4.
For question B i drew 4 circles then divided it by 5 and i drew 4 rectangles and divided it by 5.
For question C i drew 5 circles then divided it by 6 and i drew 4 rectangles and divided it by 6.
For question D i drew 7 circles then divided it by 8 and i drew 7 rectangles and divided it by8.
Anthony's 2nd Growing Post
The strategies that were needed were using money, pictures, ratio tables, and division/multiplication to solve the problems.
2.How did you use these strategies?
I used multiplication to figure out how to get from 2 2/5 to 12, then i found out you times it by 5 to get 12 cups. Then to figure out 1/2 cup i used the division strategy to help me.
3.Or how could you of used these strategies.
I could've just used a ratio table to help me, but i used the multiplication since i thought it was easier and faster to figure out everything. The ratio table is also a good help since you can divide the sections like how much cups, shreddies, peanuts, pretzels, and how much it costs.
4.How would you figure out the price of a 6 cup bag of Betty's Snack mix? Use a ratio table.
To find out the price of a 6 cup bag of Betty's snack mix, I drew a ratio table like this.
5.Find 3 other values (amounts of snack mix) that could be solved using the same ratio table. Find the $$ of your new container sizes.
heres the other 3 values.
Question 2
Question 3
question 4

I took this picture from dhonell since im not sure where mine is right now,because someone lost mine"carmen" .
How much pizza does each student get in the different groups?
Group 1 Sally Bob, Gidget and Biff Share 3 pizzas.
each person gets 3/4 of pizza
Group 2 Stan, Holly, Barry, Ben and Ichkabibble share 4 pizzas.
each person gets 4/5 of pizza
Group 3 Eric, Susy,James, Betty, Veronica and Moose share 5 pizzas.
each person gets 5/6 of pizza
Group 4 Paul, Alex, Chris, Jughead, Archie, Reggie, Mr. Wotherspoon and Midge share 7 pizzas.
each person gets 7/8 of pizza
Show how you found your answer in 2 different ways.
for our strategy we drew circles and divided them in equal pieces then we used fractions after to solve how much eacher person got.
Group 1: in group 1 there is 3 pizzas and four people, i drew 3 pizzas and divided each of the pizzas by the number of people. in each pizza 1 person will get 1/4 then for all of of them it would equal 3/4.
Group 2: its the same thing for this one but theres 5 people and 4 pizzas only i did the same thing again drew a circle and divided that circle in 5 each person would get 4/5 from all 4 of those pizzas.Group 3: i multiplied 5 x 6 = 30 then divided it by the number of people "6" = 5/6 for all 5 of the pizza wholes.
Group 4: I multiplied 7 pizzas to 8 the number of people it = 56 pizza pieces all together from those 7 pizzas and then i divided it by 8 since there is 8 people. then it ended up giving 7 the 7 means each person gets 7 pieces from the pizzas.
Which group gets the largest portion of pizza?
Group 4 gets the largest portion of the pizza.
What strategies did you use in finding your answer.
The strategies we used were using circles and dividing them into equal pieces so you can divide how much a person gets for each pizza.
Show your answer is 2 different ways. I would recommend that you create a voicethread of your work.
we couldve used money like pretend each whole pizza was a 1$ then just divide that pizza on how many people were there then you get a decimal number then you change it to a fraction.
Then draw a circle to represent a whole pizza, and then divide it on how many people were there then at the end found like how many of them get 1 piece on a pizza so like if there was 3 pizzas and 4 people each person would get 3/4.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Dhonell's 2nd Growing Post

1. What strategies where being used ?
The strategies being used were using a money, pictures, and ratio tables to solve the problems.
2. How did you use these strategies ?
I used these strategies by using money and ratio tables to show how i got the price of each cup and how much ingredients were in each bag. I also used pictures to show how 1 half of 1/2 is 1/4 and so on.
3. Or how could you have used these strategies ?
I did use all of these strategies ? But i could have used it in more of a organized and easy to understand way then i did use before.
4. How would you figure out the price of a 6 cup bag of Betty's Snack mix? Use a ratio table .
To find out the price of a 6 cup bag of Betty's Snack mix, i drew a picture like so =

5. Find 3 other values (amounts of Snack Mix) that could be solved using the same ratio table. Find the money of your new container sizes.
I answered like so =

Question 2:
Question 3
Question 4
If the Math Voicethreads dont work go here:
Question 2:
Question 3:
Question 4:
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Kat's 2nd Growing Post
The strategies that were needed were ratio tables, clocks and money.
2. How did you use these strategies?
I used a ratio table to find out the cost of the differently sized cups.
3. Or How could you of used these strategies.
I could have used more than one strategy to help me check my work to make sure it was right.
4. How would you figure out the price of a 6 cup bag of Betty's Snack mix?
I used a ratio table. I went straight from 2 2/5 cups to 12 cups by multiplying 2 2/5 by 5, and I did the same thing with $3.60, which equaled $18.00. I then divided 12 by 2 to get 6 cups, and I did $18.00 divided by 2 to get $9.00.
5. Find 3 other values (amounts of snack mix) that could be solved using the same ratio table. Find the money of your new container sizes.
This is what I did to answer the six test questions. I made the correction to the error I made in the last question.. which was forgetting to put the 1 in 1 and 12/15 on question 6. Sorry that the pictures are sideways...=S
Robbie's 2nd Growing Post
1. What strategies were needed?
2. How did you use these strategies?
3. Or How could you of used these strategies.
4. How would you figure out the price of a 6 cup bag of Betty's Snack mix? Use a ratio table
5. Find 3 other values (amounts of Snack Mix) that could be solved using the same ratio table.
6. Find the $$ of your new container sizes
1.The strategies that were needed were a ratio table and division/multiplacation.
2. For the ratio table, I put cups on one side and money on the other side. Then multiplied 2 2/5 to get 12. Then found out it was times 5. Then did that to the money. Then divided to get 1/2 cups.
3. Another way to use this strategey is add 2 2/5 instead of multiplying them.
4. To get 6 cups you get 12 cups then divide it in 2. So it will equal 6 cups and do the same thing to the money so it will equal 9 dollars.
5 and 6. The numbers I chose was 1, 5, 10.
To get 1 cup I multipled the money so it will equal for 1 cup.
To get 5 cups I multiplied 1 cup and the money by 5 so it will = 5 cups worth.
To get 10 cups I multiplied 5 cups and the money by 2 to get 10 cups of stuff.

Question 2
Question 3
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Cedrics 2nd Growing post

- What strategies were needed?
- How did you use these strategies?
- Or How could you of used these strategies.
- How would you figure out the price of a 6 cup bag of Betty's Snack mix? Use a ratio table
- Find 3 other values (amounts of Snack Mix) that could be solved using the same ratio table. Find the $$ of your new container sizes.
1: The strategies I had used were ratio tables, division, multiplying, and adding
2 : I used this strategy to find out how much ingredients are needed and the cost of the cup.
I took 2 and 2/5 and multiplied by how much was needed to get 12. Which was by 5.
Heres a picture.
3. I could've used money or a ratio table, which was probably easier. ._.
4: I took 2 and 2/5 and multiplied it by 5 which got to 12 then to get to 6 cups I divided it by 2,
and on the price I did the same thing. 3.60 x 5 = 18.00 divided by 2 = 9.00.
Question 3:
Today in class we reviewed the 6 strategies from the RACE Investigation. They were
- Equivalence
- Fractions show operations
- Ratio Tables (Proportional Reasoning)
- Measurement
- Partial Products or the Distributive Property
- The Whole Matters
- Friendly Fractions
Question 4:
Your last question deals with pizza. You need to explain which group gets the largest portion of pizza. All student groups get the same sized pizzas. It is up to you to cut them up so that they are shared equally.
- Group 1 Sally Bob, Gidget and Biff Share 3 pizzas.
- Group 2 Stan, Holly, Barry, Ben and Ichkabibble share 4 pizzas.
- Group 3 Eric, Susy,James, Betty, Veronica and Moose share 5 pizzas.
- Group 4 Paul, Alex, Chris, Jughead, Archie, Reggie, Mr. Wotherspoon and Midge share 7 pizzas.
- How much pizza does each student get in the different groups?
- Which group gets the largest portion of pizza?
- Show how you found your answer in 2 different ways.
- What strategies did you use in finding your answer.
- Show your answer is 2 different ways. I would recommend that you create a voicethread of your work.
Can't See dem VoiceThreads? Here's a link:
Question 2 Voice Thread: 4 Test Corrections
Question 3 Voice Thread: 7 Strat's
Question 4 Voice Thread: Pizza pizza
Chaseley's Second Growing post
The main strategies that I've used for the test were
division, multiplication, and addition. I used a ratio
table to organize my work so it would be easier for
people to understand. It's a really good tool to use when
your doing a project like this. (:
4 con't.
Since I already knew what 12 cups equaled,
I just divided that by 2 because half of 12 is 6.
Then I divided everything else by 2 to get the
ingredients and price, as you can see above. :]

---> if this doesn't work you can go to this site:
Question 3.
- How much pizza does each student get in the different groups?
*Group 1: 3 slices or 3/4 pizza
*Group 2: 4 slices or 4/5 pizza
*Group 3: 5 slices or 5/6 pizza
*Group 4: 7 slices or 7/8 pizza
- Which group gets the largest portion of pizza?
*Group 1: 15/60
*Group 2: 12/60
*Group 3: 10/60
*Group 4: 52 1/2 / 60
*group 4 has the largest portion of pizza
- Show how you found your answer in 2 different ways.
*I used fractions and divison with money to get my answer. as shown above.
- What strategies did you use in finding your answer.
*I used fractions and divison with money to get my answer. as shown above.
- Show your answer is 2 different ways. I would recommend that you create a voicethread of your work.
*my work is shown up on voice thread (:
Mary's Second Growing Post
(b) I could of used ratio tables, but i didn't. If i did use them, i'd use them to find out the answers for the costs and the cups of ingredients.
(c) Since you can get from 2 2/5 to 12 pretty easily, i would just use the information from the 12 cup container and divide the answers by two, since you can get from 12 to 6 by dividing 12 by two.
Question Two
Question Three
Question Four
carmen's second growing post

4. Your last question deals with pizza. You need to explain which group gets the largest portion of pizza. All student groups get the same sized pizzas. It is up to you to cut them up so that they are shared equally.
Group 1 Sally Bob, Gidget and Biff Share 3 pizzas.
Group 2 Stan, Holly, Barry, Ben and Ichkabibble share 4 pizzas.
Group 3 Eric, Susy,James, Betty, Veronica and Moose share 5 pizzas.
Group 4 Paul, Alex, Chris, Jughead, Archie, Reggie, Mr. Wotherspoon and Midge share 7 pizzas.
How much pizza does each student get in the different groups?
Group 1 got 3/4 of the pizza each.
Group 2 got 4/5 of the pizza each.
Group 3 got 5/6 of the pizza each.
Group 4 got 7/8 of the pizza each.
Which group gets the largest portion of pizza?
i think group four gets the largest amount of pizza becuase they got small slices but more of them.
Show how you found your answer in 2 different ways.
What strategies did you use in finding your answer.
We used circles (pizzas) and cut them into the amount of kids there were.
Show your answer is 2 different ways. I would recommend that you create a voicethread of your work.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Jessica's Second Growing Post
1 . What strategies were needed?
The strategies that I used to correct my test were ratio tables, multiplying & dividing .
2 . How did you use these strategies?
On my real test, I regret that I thought that the only strategy that could be used was multiplying . Because when I saw that 2 2/5 x 5 was 12 (cups) , I just multiplied everything else by 5 , then I couldn't work with decimals so I didn't do the 1/2 cup question . I should have put everything in fraction form so it would look simpler .
3 . How could you of used these strategies.
I should have used more of dividing & ratio tables. if i could find out what 12 cups was by multiplying , i could have found out what 1/2 cup was by dividing . And to get there easily I should have used ratio tables to show my work more clearly .
4 . How would you figure out the price of a 6 cup bag of Betty's Snack mix? Use a ratio table.
5 . Find 3 other values that could be solved using the same ratio table. Find the $$ of your new container sizes.
>Question 2
You are going to create a voice thread explaining the strategies you used on your test. You need to choose 4 out of the 6 questions.
> Question 3
Today in class we reviewed the 6 strategies from the RACE Investigation. They were
- Equivalence
- Fractions show operations
- Ratio Tables (Proportional Reasoning)
- Measurement
- Partial Products or the Distributive Property
- The Whole Matters
- Friendly Fractions
> Question 4
Your last question deals with pizza. You need to explain which group gets the largest portion of pizza. All student groups get the same sized pizzas. It is up to you to cut them up so that they are shared equally.
1. Group 1 Sally Bob, Gidget and Biff Share 3 pizzas.
2. Group 2 Stan, Holly, Barry, Ben and Ichkabibble share 4 pizzas.
3. Group 3 Eric, Susy,James, Betty, Veronica and Moose share 5 pizzas.
4. Group 4 Paul, Alex, Chris, Jughead, Archie, Reggie, Mr. Wotherspoon and Midge share 7 pizzas.
+ For the first strategy i used pictures and fractions to get to the answer.
+ For the second strategy i used money to get to the answer . I changed the pizzas into dollars . So if there are 3 pizzas , its changed to $3.00 . Then , you divide the pizza into the people .
* How much pizza does each student get in the different groups?
* Which group gets the largest portion of pizza?
-----> The 4th group had the largest portion of pizza .
* Show how you found your answer in 2 different ways.
* What strategies did you use in finding your answer.
* Show your answer is 2 different ways. I would recommend that you create a voicethread of your work.
Jessica B's Scribe Post
He wrote on the board :
- 1/2 of 36 =
- 1/4 of 36 =
- 1/8 of 36 =
- 5/8 of 36 =
To make things simpler, i just switched the question into an easier form.
- 36 divided by (1/2) 2 = 18
- 36 divided by (1/4) 4 = 9
- 36 divided by (1/8) 8 = 4.5
It was easy to find out what 1/4 and 1/8 because 1/4 is just half of 1/2 . so if 1/2 = 18 . Then 18 divided by 2 = 9 (1/4) . Then 1/8 is half of 1/4 . So 9(1/4) divided by 2 = 4.5 (1/8).
The 5/8 question was harder but you have to make it into a simpler form .
5/8 don't go nice together so you make it into 4/8 . Since 4/8 is another way of saying 1/2 , you get the answer that you got for the first question which was 18 .
Then , since you only have 1/8 left , again you just get the answer you got for the third question , which was 4.5 .
So basically , you're just adding question 1 & 3 together to get question 4 .
So the answer is (18 + 4.5 =) 22.5 .
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Jessica Q's Second Growing Post
2 and 3.
Go here if it doesnt work:
(Copy and Paste)
Go here if it doesnt work:
(Copy and Paste)
Go here if it doesnt work:
(Copy and Paste)
Jeanine's Second Growing Post
Jocelyne's Second Growing Post
The strategies i used to get the answers were dividing and multiplying . i used this strategy:
12 cups
2 2/5 * 5 = 12
SHREDDIES - 1 1/5 * 5 = 6 cups
PEANUTS - 4/5 * 5 = 4 cups
PRETZELS - 2/5 * 5 = 2 cups
6 + 4 + 2 =12 CUPS
i multiplied the cups by 5 because 2 2/5 multiplied by 5 equals 12.
1/2 CUP
12 / 24 = 0.50 or 1/2
SHREDDIES - 6 / 24 = 3 / 3/12
PEANUTS - 4 / 24 =2 / 2/12
PRETZELS - 2 / 24 =1 / 1/12
3 + 2 + 1 = 6 is half of 12 equals 1/2
i divided the answers of the 12 cups by 24 because 12 divided by 24 equals 0.50 / 1/2 cup.
*How much pizza does each student get in the different groups?
G1-3 pizzas, 4 people
each get 3/4 of pizza
G2-4 pizzas, 5 people
each get 4/5 of pizza
G3-5 pizzas, 6 people
each get 5/6 of pizza
G4-7 pizzas, 8 people
each get 7/8 of pizza
*Which group gets the largest portion of pizza?
G4 gets largest portion of pizza because they get 7/8 of the pizzas
*Show how you found your answer in 2 different ways.
For my strategie using circles I just cut the circles up into equal pieces and then used fractions.
For my strategie uing money I made the pizzas into dollars so it ould look like 3 pizzas equals $3.00 then i would divide the $3.00 by the number of people their sharing the pizzas with then it would give us a decimal answer then you would convert into a fraction.
*What strategies did you use in finding your answer.
Strategie #1: using circles
Strategie #2: using money
*Show your answer is 2 different ways. I would recommend that you create a voicethread of your work.